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Hey, my quote made it into the blog! I'm famous!

Thanks Mark. :)

Interesting… Since vehicles always seem to lean sliiiightly towards the right here, when rolling, that would give it some rotation, and that rotation could destroy it.

Congrats on the launch, btw, I think you may have reached escape velocity.
Here is an example of what happens, though it wasn't at thaaaat fast a speed. Also, it's in postcard format for some reason. :P Mostly, I just really like the picture. :) View for large version.
OHHH, sweet mercy would this be nice to have.
So, using 0.4.3, I had this bug again. Save/load/start buttons don't work, and when I exited to main menu and then went back to the editor, I got this picture:

I tried to take a save when this happened, but although I could view the save screen I couldn't press the 'save' button either. So much for that idea. :/
It's kinda annoying when combined with http://crashtastic.userecho.com/topic/108897-cant-save-in-editor/. You can also exit to main menu, then start the level again at which point it'll display a bunch of cubes without support struts between them. You can edit that as expected.

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