Suggestions and Bugs for Crashtastic
Under review

A wheel that atchually steers, Not strafe.

Adam Ramsey fa 11 anys updated by Mark Smith fa 11 anys 0

It kinda sucks that the steering wheel drifts/strafes. It should atchually steer.

Mark Smith fa 11 anys

The wheel does steer, so I'm a bit confused as to what you mean. Can you describe in a bit more detail how it is not acting correctly?


collision detection fails for specific cases in editor

David Roberts fa 13 anys updated by Mark Smith fa 13 anys 0
These pictures are not of the 'one frame before colour update' bug, but were taken after about a second of persistence. They can all be readily duplicated by me. A note on the building-stuff-where-the-piston-is picture: To reproduce, move your mouse over the very corner of the face of the blue cube the piston is built off of.
Image 5Image 4Image 3Image 2
Mark Smith fa 13 anys
Yep. Bugs, that need to be fixed. Thanks for reporting!

C:/Users/MyName/Downloads/Crashtastic.exe is not a valid Win32 application

Ido Iloni fa 12 anys 0

C:/Users/MyName/Downloads/Crashtastic.exe is not a valid Win32 application

That is the error I get after I have installed crashtastic.exe from the website. I ran it from the downloads folder, though I'm not 100% sure it downloaded correctly because it is only 17kb and it took only 20 seconds or so.

Hopefully someone has the answer.

Thanks ahead of time, Xapien!


Vehicles constantly veering, bug or not?

Niels Blok Lauridsen fa 12 anys 0

Playing around with the game quickly proves, for me atleast, that predictability is a problem. Whenever I design a vehicle and ship it off to the track, it starts veering left. This causes quite a problem on tracks where precision and adjustment is key, like the relatively easy chasm level, where it would send me flying leftwards off the ramp, instead of straight away.

It seems ilogical when the vehicles are perfectly symmetric and supposedly stable. Is this a bug, or a (ill concieved) feature?


Latest Version

Asfhy fa 12 anys 0

Add a section on the web that shows the lastest version available of the Launcher and the game to make it easy to know if you have the latest launcher (The launcher auto-updates the game, so that part is less important; but does the Launcher updates itself in case of a new Launcher Version?


Analyse weak points

Joe Coldridge fa 11 anys 0
There should be some way to view the strain that is exerted on your vehicle. A toggle button for an overlay while in the editor or watching a replay that would let you see which joints are under most strain (green being healthy, yellow being under tension but ok and red being dangerous/about to break). It would allow for much stronger frames to be made if we could brace non-standard shapes accordingly.

Crash Tastic wont start up

Tiger Hongmung fa 12 anys 0

I try to run the game and get a message to look at a .text item

the item reads:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 28, in <module>

  File "os.pyo", line 423, in __getitem__

KeyError: 'APPDATA'


Export Saved Models?

Asfhy fa 12 anys 0

Hi, I've bought the game and play it on two different computers. My PC and my Laptop. The records are stored on-line so when I get over a level, I get the record on the other computer, but sometimes I build a vehicle that I would want to copy from one coputer to another. Is it possible? Where are de saved vehicles stored? Is there any way to export it in one computer and import into the other?



Demolition-type stuff

nuke_hater fa 12 anys 0

 What if you had to build a bulldozer, at least to knock down a few blocks and put them in an objective location? What with controllable rockets, it's doable... I dunno.  I just think there should be levels where the environment is affected by physics as well, and you need to interact with said environment to complete the task/mission.