Suggestions and Bugs for Crashtastic

Cant press GO from time to time, have to create new design,

Chris Love vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Mark Smith vor 12 Jahren 18
Go button does nothing when pressed.  Only creating a new design wakes it up.
Mark Smith vor 13 Jahren
I rewrote the UI backend for the editor, so this issue *should* be solved.

Sizeable wheels

Nils Trummis Georgii vor 13 Jahren 0
Something nice would be sizeable wheels so that you can design cooler vehicles and angle the rockets more precise.

Very terrible FPS on a computer that normally has little to no issue running physics based games?

David Younker vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Mark Smith vor 13 Jahren 6
I get very low FPS during the live part of missions from my vehicle or the other vehicles on the map, not sure why when I can run other programs such as KSP or "Garrys Mod" with no issue while supporting many physics based props/items at one time.
Mark Smith vor 13 Jahren
I released some performance updates in 0.4.5, which should improve performance a good amount.

Allow users to remove pieces that would temporarily split the vehicle into more than one contiguous piece in the editor

Seven7h vor 13 Jahren 0
Right now there is a safety in place to ensure all placed pieces are part of the one vehicle. It restricts you from removing pieces of the vehicle that would leave parts floating in space. Since you tend to start at the chair and design outwards, this is very frustrating when you have to go back and just edit one little part near the chair, or deep "inside" the design... you have to remove everything outside it along the way to get to it, possibly destroying a large part of your vehicle.

Instead it would be nice to be able to delete whatever piece you want, but just restrict the user from starting the level until the vehicle is one contiguous piece again (they have to reconnect the floating piece somehow, or remove all those floating pieces). Also, with this in place, even if they wanted to remove all those pieces, at least there is not a constraint on the order in which those pieces are removed.

i saw nerdcubed play this and i'm glad i did, love the game, so much potential. thanks!

hex095 vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Mark Smith vor 13 Jahren 2
Mark Smith vor 13 Jahren
Thank you for your purchase! I am glad you like the game!

Can't save in editor

karl wutte vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Mark Smith vor 12 Jahren 13
the save and save as option in the editor dont work
Mark Smith vor 13 Jahren
Fixed in version 0.4.2



Thomas Gregory vor 12 Jahren 0

In this Multiplayer, you have options. You can either race to the finish line, cause more destruction to a building or destroy each others vehicle (like that level on the game).


Delete button.

Nathan McCrohan vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Mark Smith vor 13 Jahren 0
Delete button brings up a weird looking blackish save screen. There is no way to delete saved creations or rename that i have found.
Mark Smith vor 13 Jahren
I need to fix the delete UI.

Better graphics

kin yeung lee vor 12 Jahren 0

Can you deal with the perspective and stuff. The game lacks some basic graphics, the buildings fade out not too realisticly.


Setting own camera positions - camera tool

Syntax-Error vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Asfhy vor 12 Jahren 1

I was thinking it might be a good idea to be able to set your camera positions. So you could place the camera wherever you like and hit a button to swich between them. Like so:

Image 13