Suggestions and Bugs for Crashtastic

Captured video appears to be in slow or fast motion

Seven7h hace 13 años 0
When you output local video from a replay, it appears to be in slow motion or fast motion instead of normal speed. I'm sure this has something to do with physics time steps, as the same thing happens when recording with Fraps (comes out looking like slow motion).

just waiting on the linux version....

Graham Allott hace 12 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 12 años 0

hope it's out soon!

Mark Smith hace 12 años

As soon as Unity releases the 4.0 version of the engine, I will be upgrading and should make it available shortly after. This will hopefully be in a few weeks.

No es un bug

I've found a bug were after i save a contraption, when i try to load it it just says loading for ages and ages

alcams hace 13 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 13 años 0

Add normal text fields that support a cursor and shift+home/shift+end for login screen.

Seven7h hace 13 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 13 años 0
It would be nice to have the login boxes use a cursor/selection like logins on the web instead of just overwriting when you go back and flick on a field after having switched away from it. It would also allow users to shift+home or shift+end this way.
Mark Smith hace 13 años

There is now an updater where you login, so this is no longer needed. :)


feature where people can make and download maps

Warren Brennan hace 12 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 12 años 0

feature where people can make and download maps

Mark Smith hace 12 años

this will be part of the level editor.


Maybe achievements?

anonymous hace 13 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 13 años 0
I thought that it would be nice if we had the opportunity to unlock achievements.
Mark Smith hace 13 años
Declining due to being a duplicate of another request.

Can't Login

Tyler Finecy hace 13 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 13 años 4
I have been unable to login since the 0.4.2 update. I tryed email and user name to login with. I also cannot download the updates, when I click to get the download link nothing happens.
Mark Smith hace 13 años
Can you send the email address you are trying to login with to


En revisión

World Overall Fastest Time doesn't list my record

jameswilddev hace 13 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 13 años 4
I've just set what should be a second place record for Level 17, but I'm not getting an entry on the leaderboard for it.  I tried quitting and doing it again twice but it still doesn't show up.  Was I disqualified, is there a legitimate reason I don't seem to be able to get a record?

Here's a screenshot of my game over screen:

Mark Smith hace 13 años
I'll have to take a look at this.


change the rocket physics

Punyaha Mukherjee hace 13 años 0
i have been playing for a while and i have noticed a few things about the rocket physics. 1 every time i try building a 3 dimensional figure it spins out of control unless a put a rocket in the oposite direction. second even after resorting to building a long and flat type vehichle the rockets always make it lean to one side even though its balanced. i don't know this may be me  misbalancing something your are free to test it out if you want just give me some answers here. still great game.

brace's have a few problems

Ryan John Thompson hace 13 años 0
when placing near robot, under a beam in 2d mode, placing quiet a few at one time, on top of each other, sometimes glitch out completely and just ramdomly placed in the air