Suggestions and Bugs for Crashtastic

Steerable rockets

Mark Smith hace 13 años 0
Steerable rockets. Pressing LEFT or RIGHT makes the rockets turn like wheels. If the rocket is placed on the side of a piece, then pressing UP or DOWN makes the rocket move up or down WHILE its going.


Lucas F. hace 12 años 0

I was thinking that it'd be cool to have multiplayer battles, if some sort of multiplayer is implemented at a later point, like the head-on collision levels, but against real people and maybe have more players. This, of course, would be made later.


proppelas wings and belts.

John Ivar Flatmo hace 13 años 0
propellars wings belts  and the abilty to atatch controls to every thing. whidt belts i mean tank belts, and whith proppelar i mean plane and helicoter propellars.  
sorry for misspelling and bad english.

Head-on Collision Multiplayer

Jake Bell hace 13 años 0
Both players make a car or load one of their old ones and play head-on collision against each other and the first robot to hit the ground loses



seatbelts, wings, differnt kinds of wheels, engines, brakes, and bars

Jonethan Eames hace 12 años 0

the game is fun but it should have a lot more things u can use for your vehicle 



john mak hace 13 años actualizado por Matthew Derks hace 12 años 1
I would like if there would be some type of system for online play like fighting each other, Or just messing around :3, Like short scaled 2 players ;D, Who else would not want to destory your friend's (Enemy's) car in the name of physics? or drag (kidnap) your friend's robot in your car

Allow users to access the editor from the "Fail" stat recap menu

Seven7h hace 13 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 13 años 0
Currently, if you fail a level (or succeed for that matter), it only offers you the "Retry", "Replay", and "Skip Level" buttons. To get into the editor to tweak your design, you first have to hit "Retry".

But I think "Retry" and "Editor" should both be offered here because depending on the level, you're just as likely to want to keep the current design and just try to steer the course over again as you are to want to tweak your design. Entering the editor should be fast and fluid and should not require hitting "Retry" first.
Mark Smith hace 13 años

I added this in patch 0.4.6



Horace He hace 12 años 0

I think that some sort of multiplayer would be EXTREMELY beneficial to the success of this game. No.1 games with great multiplayer are more fun in general. No.2, it cuts down on piracy a whole ton if you have tons of multiplayer features.

You'll never cut down on piracy by introducing DRM.


Very low FPS...

Maciej Welon hace 13 años actualizado por Mark Smith hace 13 años 2
Hello. My computer:
Athlon X2 7750 - 2,71 GHz
GF 9800GT

I have very low fps on low resolution (1280x720) with windowed mode. Please, help me...
Mark Smith hace 13 años
I improved the performance in patch 0.4.5

Deleting designs/Saving over don't work

nuke_hater hace 12 años 0

 I've found that just "saving" rather than "save as" has the same effect... That is, you simply save it as a new design. Deleting designs... Hasn't worked for me either. Bug, or am I just stupid?