Suggestions and Bugs for Crashtastic

Another go button problem..

navy_seal1487@hotmail com 12 ár síðan 0

Upon entering my account information on the launcher, I press the go button but nothing happens.


Show total number of used parts

Syntax-Error 12 ár síðan 0

The should be a area where you could see the total number of used pieces, so when you are aiming for a vehicle with <30 / <20 parts you don't have to wait until you have ended a race.


save contraption with rocket settings

Kees de Vries 12 ár síðan 0

whenever i make a car and change the  power and key assaignments on individual rockets and try it out i can't save that setting  when i have to go back to edit the car or level the settings on keybinds and power of the rockets are reset

Not a bug

Can't login, even with firewall exception

Malx MacD 13 ár síðan updated by Mark Smith 13 ár síðan 2
Hey I just bought the game maybe 30m ago and whenever I try to log in I get the "Login Failed." If I restart the game and retry it will say "Connecting..." for a few seconds then fail, and if I try after that without restarting the game it will just near-instantly say it failed.

Download link won't load

Dwew 11 ár síðan Uppfært 11 ár síðan 1
I bought the game, but the download page won't load. I am on Mac and my internet is fine since I am writing this with no troubles! Please fix, thanks!

save problem part 2

Maik Orze 13 ár síðan updated by Mark Smith 13 ár síðan 0

i have tried a little bit.
Saving is no problem as long as i make new vehicles.
but if i take a existing save i can load it and drive it
and edit it but there is no chance to save it again. (sace screen corrupt)
i can make a video for you if this helps ?

Mark Smith 13 ár síðan
This is fixed in 0.4.4

Form incomplete!

Blackdare Manboy 12 ár síðan updated by Mark Smith 11 ár síðan 1

i am trying to buy the game, i fill in all fields and it still says Form incomplete! when i click paypal

Mark Smith 12 ár síðan

This should be fixed now. Please email me at if you are still having an issue.


Adjustable camera angles

Richard Walsh 13 ár síðan updated by Mark Smith 13 ár síðan 3
On levels like "Oh No S-Turn", it's really hard to play well because the fixed camera angle makes it hard to see. An adjustable camera angle or set of fixed angles would improve this a lot
Mark Smith 13 ár síðan
You can zoom in with the mouse wheel, and rotate the camera in both the editor and the game, but left clicking the mouse and dragging.

unable to type in the user name field

Pam Gallagher Stager 13 ár síðan updated by Mark Smith 13 ár síðan 0
Mark Smith 13 ár síðan
Hi Pam,

I sent you an email about this, but the login field has a limited number of characters it shows. So you just need to click on the Username box and hit delete a bunch of times, you will start to see characters of your email.