Suggestions and Bugs for Crashtastic

Level Editor and Share Level buttons! Different schemes and a Scheme Shop!

Zachary Hixon 13 year бұрын updated by jameswilddev 13 year бұрын 2
Share levels online with the world, just friends, or make them private. Also save them in an extension that can easily be shared via the internet or some other form. Also if one presses escape, you could access your schemes or go to the scheme shop via your schemes.

Bug: When loading saved design, items are 90 degrees off

Alexander Roquemore 13 year бұрын updated by Mark Smith 13 year бұрын 0
I have built a few vehicles for different tasks. The vehicles I have saved will load fine, however, when I attempt to attach a block or a wheel, the item I wish to attach are rotated 90 degrees. 

The new block will 'attach' to points, but the bar itself 90 degrees rotated (on a horizontal axis). When I attach wheels, they are rotated 90 degrees (on a verticle axis, so they're laying flat).

I can resolve this issue by removing old mount points (blocks / braces / etc) and re-build them. After that, they are OK. This is HIGHLY frustrating, as old models CANNOT be used unless that section is rebuilt. 

This error is prominent in 0.4.4. Any help?
Mark Smith 13 year бұрын
This should be fixed in 0.4.4b

How to view keyboard/game controls?

Owen 12 year бұрын updated by Kees de Vries 12 year бұрын 1

Is there a way in-game to view (and/or change) keyboard key bindings? I dug through menus, but did not see anything like this. Thanks!


How to change the controls

Danny Drayton 12 year бұрын updated by Mark Smith 12 year бұрын 1

when i press the arrows while playing, (doing the levels) it changes the angle of the camera so i cant see but i need them buttons to turn?!?! how can i lock it in place?

Mark Smith 12 year бұрын

There is currently no way to change the controls. That being said, you turn with A and D, not the arrows :)

Not a bug

Can't use Braces

Zachary Taylor 12 year бұрын updated by Mark Smith 11 year бұрын 2
Whenever I attempt to place a brace, the camera moves to an awkward angle such that I can't connect the other end of the brace to anything... Effectively, I can't use braces at all.

Mark Smith 12 year бұрын

I haven't had any reports of a similar issue yet. Can you post a screenshot showing what you are trying to connect braces between?


Login Error

Eric Tõugu 11 year бұрын 0
Somebody please help! It just says Login failed.
Somebody please help!


Missing blue block in editor.

David Roberts 13 year бұрын updated by Mark Smith 13 year бұрын 0
So, managed to screw something up in the editor... where's my blue block? The short beam also is unattached to the car when I start. (I did take a save, but I can't seem to upload files here. If you want, I could email it to you.Image 7)
Mark Smith 13 year бұрын
I believe this issue is related to the extra piece on save issue. I have fixed this in 0.4.4 

Framerate and DL Problems

Zachary Hixon 13 year бұрын updated by Mark Smith 13 year бұрын 1
A way to fix the terrible framerate is you could change the lighting calculations to something less CPU hungry. A way to implement this into the game might be to under the quality, change the lighting to something different, like a less complex lighting mechanism, like adding more and having only the one selected active... Also the download for OSX won't work, are you guys working on it? Hope this gets fixed soon
Mark Smith 13 year бұрын

I messed up the download page when I added support to download the Mac version. It's fixed now so you can download the game again. 

I am working on a performance pass on the game for 0.4.5. As James below mentions, you can improve the graphics performance by going into the options screen and decreasing graphics quality. The big performance bottle neck is actually the physics simulation, which I am working on improving for 0.4.5.


Not a bug

cant start up

Bob Stewart 13 year бұрын updated by Mark Smith 13 year бұрын 0
Mark Smith 13 year бұрын
Sorry, not sure what this means. Can you send the details of your problem to

Extremely low sound

Alex Malone (ElderScrollsNerd) 11 year бұрын 0
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be there or it's just me, but i have my sound in Crashtastic set to 100% but i can barely hear it, so i turn my speakers up to the highest they can go,Still, i can barely hear the game or music. I'm using Crashtastic Version 0.5.3