
More beam lengths, camera controls and online challenges

Chris Miles 11 years ago 0

With the beams, it would be better if they came in a range of lengths like 1,2,3,4 perhaps with a slider to control the length rather than small medium and large.  This would also save space in the toolbox for more parts ;)

Also, it would be useful for creating larger vehicles to have a free moving camera in editor mode because if you try making anything too big at the moment it gets very hard to control the camera.  It would also be great if the camera in the play mode could be locked to the vehicle so that it turns with it.

Finally, I think there would be a lot more replay value if people could upload their tracks to an online list of challenges with high score boards.  (I'm not sure to what extent this is already in the game since the load track/vehicle by ID doesn't seem to work.

By the way, I love the game keep up the good work!