
List of cool items to add and what they do.

Seth Pounders 12 years ago updated by nuke_hater 12 years ago 1

pistons - help give a sudden push off the ground (jumping)

Rope- Basically braces but a Little more free moving 

wheels- not the actual wheels you use to move but ones with links on them

detachable links- press a chosen hot key and press it and it destroys the link thus separating that from the car.

More rockets- Have a high power rocket and medium and low power.

balloons- hot keys to pop them but they help pull you up (ropes my come in handy)

Fan / propeller- For floating contraptions, help propel it in the desired direction (not as fast as rockets and hot keys for each fan)

                                     ~Thanks for reading



 Pistons have been approved...  But yeah! The game could use more parts.