Cars disintegrate at high speed, about mach 3 or 4.

David Roberts 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 4
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, however, as it stands, around mach 3 or 4 the car starts to rock and then some wheel or other comes off and it's a messy death for all involved. It should be noted that I actually managed to exceed the current land speed record, which is 591.7 m/s, before this "bug" kicks in.

I've heard that after you break the sound barrier, things get smoother. It would be nice to simulate that.  

On a side note, it'd be really nice if the speedometer didn't disappear when I fail or win a level.

Here is an example of what happens, though it wasn't at thaaaat fast a speed. Also, it's in postcard format for some reason. :P Mostly, I just really like the picture. :) View for large version.
i tried making a satellite to see if it was destroyed in a purely vertical motion, after going over mach 6 without it getting destroyed, i tried spinning it along with launching it in the air and was destroyed at about mach 3.
Interesting… Since vehicles always seem to lean sliiiightly towards the right here, when rolling, that would give it some rotation, and that rotation could destroy it.

Congrats on the launch, btw, I think you may have reached escape velocity.