

Jacob P 13 years ago updated by Mark Smith 12 years ago 7
When you press a button, it makes the vehicle jump wherever its placed. More for the use on the BOTTOM of the vehicle.

Thanks for reading these and I hope some are interesting to you!


This is done as of 0.4.9
Sounds like a good idea! :D
Under review
I am considering this, but I am trying to see other reasons for pistons other than jumping. Controllable rockets can fill the same function. What other things would you use the pistons for?
Under review
I am considering this, but I am trying to see other reasons for pistons other than jumping. Controllable rockets can fill the same function. What other things would you use the pistons for?
Hello! Glad to see that you like this idea! Anyways, not to sound like a jerk or anything, I had typed a lot more and did you change or erase it but keep the pistons part?
Anyways, I asked my friend if he had any ideas too and I and him both have some Ideas which I will list here.
1. Two kinds of piston: one which is specifically for jumping. ie: Pressure piston and another piston: the spring/shock resistant piston.

2. Let's say for instance, you made a long flat level with random bumps of height and width and you also added pointy bumps. you use the pistons to jump over and absorb the bumps.

3. Pistons can be placed on sides to to maybe extend your car. Sounds funny, i know. 

well, those are the possibilities that I and my friend came up with. I hope that these help you!
thank you!

I haven't played as i'm only just about to buy it, but pistons/joints that release with the press of a button. If i made a small cage and put 'expendable' pistons connecting to rockets which i can dispose of after an alloted time, it would help in level solving (I.e ways to eject using both types of pistons out of your vehicle, one pushing up and others disconnecting from your craft).
Pistons combined with pivots and grabbing parts could be used to puck up and move objects such as boxes to clear obstructions or placed on switches, in addition can be used to manipulate leaver switches

Don't forget. This game is fundamentally a blow up/ car racing thing. Personally, I wouldn't use pistons, but something more like explosives, since it seems like there would be more interesting ideas using that.

A use for a piston maybe to hit the other cars in the survival levels, where you have to hit another car. Or to raise up wheels to go over obstacles?

 It could be used to adjust the center of gravity on the vehicle, adjust turn radii, make the vehicle larger or smaller/taller or shorter to fit through differently sized pieces... Or to grab objects!

I am considering this, but I am trying to see other reasons for pistons other than jumping. Controllable rockets can fill the same function. What other things would you use the pistons for?
I am going to go ahead and implement this in a future patch.
This is done as of 0.4.9