
Allow users to remove pieces that would temporarily split the vehicle into more than one contiguous piece in the editor

Seven7h 13 aastat tagasi 0
Right now there is a safety in place to ensure all placed pieces are part of the one vehicle. It restricts you from removing pieces of the vehicle that would leave parts floating in space. Since you tend to start at the chair and design outwards, this is very frustrating when you have to go back and just edit one little part near the chair, or deep "inside" the design... you have to remove everything outside it along the way to get to it, possibly destroying a large part of your vehicle.

Instead it would be nice to be able to delete whatever piece you want, but just restrict the user from starting the level until the vehicle is one contiguous piece again (they have to reconnect the floating piece somehow, or remove all those floating pieces). Also, with this in place, even if they wanted to remove all those pieces, at least there is not a constraint on the order in which those pieces are removed.