
Settings menu requirements for taking effect are inconsistent (by design, but still)

Seven7h vor 13 Jahren 0
In the settings menu, it's clear that some settings require hitting the "Apply" button and some don't (they instead take effect immediately when you click the little arrow to change them). This is a little confusing because if you change the resolution but do not apply it, when I leave the settings menu, click play, return to the main menu, and go to settings again, it's reset the resolution to the current resolution (which is what I'd expect it to do since I never hit Apply). But if I do the same for graphics quality, it is still where I set it (because it takes effect immediately, without an "apply" press).

As a solution, I would make the "Apply" button grayed out until the user changes a setting that *requires* the use of the Apply button. Then you'd make the Apply button light up to look how it does currently. Or an even more simple way would be to have an asterisk pop-up next to the Apply button when a setting that requires it is changed.

In fact, I'd almost say you're better off just forcing the Apply button to be used for any of the settings to take effect, even if right now they take effect immediately. A user might want to change to fullscreen and set the resolution simultaneously. Also a user might be inclined to go through multiple "Graphics Quality" settings in a row to get to the highest or lowest one in the same way that a user might do for resolution, at which point the instantaneous change at each level is not really useful.