Tus comentarios

If you are on Windows, can you download and run this?


If you are on a Mac... delete the file called unity.Mark Smith.Crashtastic.plist in ~/Library/Preferences

Does it eventually load? Or does it never load?

Does it eventually load? Or does it never load?

I really need to remove the time limit, or add an indicator for people to know they are going too slow :P

nuke hater is correct. The total joints count the number of connections between the blue nodes and the various peices

Hi! Thanks for the recommendation. I do indeed plan on submitting Crashtastic to the Greenlight process, I just need to finish up a new trailer!

Thanks! I appreciate the kind words and the vote of confidence!

You should be good with that CPU. Can you try setting the graphics options to fastest? If you still see a big performance drop, try updating your graphics driver. If that doesn't work, send me the output_log.txt file to support@crashtastic.com

If you are on Windows,send:


on Mac send ...
