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I need to review the replay system in a future update. I've seen a few issues I plan on resolving.
I would love to include mod support, but it isn't a trivial amount of work to do so. I
I am working on performance right now. I'm already seeing a noticable improvement on larger designs.

I messed up the download page when I added support to download the Mac version. It's fixed now so you can download the game again. 

I am working on a performance pass on the game for 0.4.5. As James below mentions, you can improve the graphics performance by going into the options screen and decreasing graphics quality. The big performance bottle neck is actually the physics simulation, which I am working on improving for 0.4.5.


I messed up the download page when I added support to download the Mac version. It's fixed now so you can download the game again. Sorry about that!


Let me know if you still have trouble logging in. If you do, please email support@crashtastic.com
Let me know if this still happens to you.
If you see this on login, please send your output_log.txt file from the crashtastic_data directory to support@crashtastic.com
If you see it during a lengthy gameplay session, this is most like a bug that I am aware of.