Suggestions and Bugs for Crashtastic


Horace He 12 year бұрын 0

Occasionally, I'm not quite sure when, you can't put braces on top of other braces. However, at other times you can.


Can't find Friends.

Gips Gips 12 year бұрын 0

I cant find friends.


how do i make an account in crashtastic

harry123 12 year бұрын updated by Asfhy 12 year бұрын 1


Constructing buildings

nuke_hater 13 year бұрын updated by Dan Lauer 13 year бұрын 1
What about levels for designing buildings to withstand a collision or event, like an earthquake, a fall, or a cannonball?



Random non-erasable brick far in front of saved then loaded creation.

Nathan McCrohan 13 year бұрын updated by Mark Smith 13 year бұрын 1
When I save a creation and then reload it there is a block far infront of it that falls to the ground when your start. Not sure why.
Mark Smith 13 year бұрын
This was fixed in 0.4.3. Old designs will see the extra brick I will fix that issue next patch.

The extra brick issue is fixed in 0.4.4

Have an option to delete old vehicles

Lee Smith 12 year бұрын 0

I've got like 5 different versions of about 5 different vehicles because i can't delete them once i've saved them :) i dont mind its just harder to find my finished product, thanks


Level 11 is an automatic win

Declan Martin 12 year бұрын updated by Owen 12 year бұрын 1

In level 11(the second head-on collision), you will automatically succeed because the structure dummy you are supposed to collide with immediately collapses; so the game thinks you collided with it.  


Option to reverse steering of individual wheels

jameswilddev 13 year бұрын 0
At the moment steering wheels always seem to turn the one way.  With rear wheel steering cars this makes them steer the wrong way and when you have steering wheels in front of and behind the centre of gravity, the car can't turn.  It'd be awesome to have an invert steering flag to solve both of these problems.


List of cool items to add and what they do.

Seth Pounders 12 year бұрын updated by nuke_hater 12 year бұрын 1

pistons - help give a sudden push off the ground (jumping)

Rope- Basically braces but a Little more free moving 

wheels- not the actual wheels you use to move but ones with links on them

detachable links- press a chosen hot key and press it and it destroys the link thus separating that from the car.

More rockets- Have a high power rocket and medium and low power.

balloons- hot keys to pop them but they help pull you up (ropes my come in handy)

Fan / propeller- For floating contraptions, help propel it in the desired direction (not as fast as rockets and hot keys for each fan)

                                     ~Thanks for reading



Offline mode

Emilio Garcia 13 year бұрын updated by Mark Smith 12 year бұрын 1
Possibly something similar to Minecraft's Offline mode. I would really like to be able to play this game when I don't have WiFi.
Mark Smith 12 year бұрын

I will have an offline mode in the future.