Teie teemad staatuse järgi


When uploading a video to youtube, typing in certain characters into the text field trigger the UI to break

Seven7h 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Mark Smith 12 aastat tagasi 0

Can only place rocket in the same position as a block when you place the rocket first

Seven7h 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja ShdwFlm 12 aastat tagasi 1

Captured video appears to be in slow or fast motion

Seven7h 12 aastat tagasi 0

Records arrows are inconsistent

Seven7h 12 aastat tagasi 0

If you change resolution without applying, it only gets reset sometimes

Seven7h 12 aastat tagasi 0

UI letters have hard edges at certain resolutions

Seven7h 12 aastat tagasi 0