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I think it was more of an introductory level... Not so people would really be challenged, but so they could test different vehicles on a slope, to see how it'd go.  It was less about the challenge and more about the map.

YES! Thank you :D


 Excellent. Glad to hear it, and can't wait to see it. May I ask, are the "crate" and cones objects affected by physics?

 Pistons have been approved...  But yeah! The game could use more parts.

 Yep, he approved this just a few days or a week ago. We should be seeing it in the future...

 Working fine now, thanks for the update! Sandbox editor is AWESOME. Keep it up.

 It could be used to adjust the center of gravity on the vehicle, adjust turn radii, make the vehicle larger or smaller/taller or shorter to fit through differently sized pieces... Or to grab objects!

 Lift isn't necessary just an upwards force... It's a simulation of air friction, or a faking of said simulation. Drag and Lift go hand in hand. Plus they'd add extensive realism should Mark pull it off.

 I think this is because when you're editing, you only have the beams, wheels, shocks, etc. But in gameplay the little blue cubes connecting everything also count as separate objects.